
LED lamps to replace incandescent effect continued: Global Policy Interpretation

According to the latest statistics, high-brightness LED market will be $ 8.25 billion in 2010, growing to $ 12.6 billion in 2011, the annual growth rate will reach 53%; which, LED lighting, number of pieces by the use of 4.8 billion in 2010, will increase 2011 12.4 billion, because the 2011 primary to replace traditional incandescent bulbs LED effects starting to show. After following the LED-backlit TV, LED lighting, LED industry will be driven by high growth applications. Although in 2010 the total lighting market, LED lighting, the proportion is not high, only 3.2% in value terms, however in the sense of high energy and reduce carbon, the world's major countries have set the LED lighting policy to actively promote the development of LED module
industry. DIGITIMESResearch analyst and project manager Linfen Hui analysis, global demand for LED bulb 596 million by 2011, significant growth to 2013 of 2.5 billion; street, since mainland China, the United States, Europe has been promoting in all major cities in demonstration project, estimated to be LED lights 2.2 million in 2011 to $ 9.8 million in 2013, a further drive the next few years to enhance the penetration of LED lighting. Major countries in the global policy to promote LED lighting, LED luminous efficiency improved significantly, and the estimated annual price of LED lighting will have dropped 20 to 30% of the space under the influence of Linfen Hui estimates LED lighting demand from 2009 to 2013 years will reach 97.4% CAGR, higher than the large size LCD with LED backlight CAGR of 62.6%, and the LED lighting market will reach in 2011 as $ 15.4 billion, the overall lighting market penetration for the first time in over 10%, 10.6%.

