It has been about 50 years ago, the semiconductor material can produce light of the basic knowledge, the first commercially available diodes in 1960. The core part of the light-emitting diodes by p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor chip formed in the p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor between a transition layer, called the pn junctionIn some semiconductor materials, PN junction, the injection of minority carrier and majority carrier recombination, when will the excess energy released in the form of light, which convert light energy directly into electrical energy. PN junction reverse voltage, minority carrier injection is difficult, it is not light. This use of injection electroluminescent diodes called the principle of making light emitting diodes, commonly known as LED. When it is in working state (ie, ends with a positive voltage), current from the LED anode to the cathode, the semiconductor crystals from the ultraviolet to infrared light of different colors, light intensity and current. High efficiency, low-light decay power pallet truck, widely used in street lamps, mining lamps, tunnel lights, spotlights, fluorescent lighting and many other fields, by the industry alike.
1. Using solid-state light-emitting semiconductor device chip package efficient self, 1W to 3W fluorescent light can reach the effect of normal, saving 60% electricity, has a good lumen performance, high temperature resistant plastic material refined pc.
2 lower vf value (3.1v-3.5v), can reduce the power dissipation to reduce heat and prolong the working hours of LED.
3 using original epoxy resin technology to emit energy in electronic form, are white and warm white lumens can be done about the products without spot color circle, color high consistency.
4 lens through special approach to ensure that will not fall.
5 Uses
LED bulb, LED light shooting. LED strip, led lighting lamp power 60W 80W 120W 160W 180W LED decorative light LED lighting LED lamp LED light lamp LED lighting, LED stage light.