LEDs are PN junction silicon, electrodes and optical system. From the light - the chip area of 10.2mil (1mil = 0.0254 square millimeters), a large number of current international chip LED spotlight, the chip area of 40mil.
The luminescence process involves three parts: the forward bias carrier injection, recombination radiation and energy transfer. Tiny semiconductor chip is encapsulated in epoxy resin material in a clean, when the electronic through the chip, with the negatively charged electrons to positively charged holes move the domain and with the compound, the disappearance of both electrons and holes generate photons. Between the electron and hole energy (band gap) increases, resulting in the higher energy photons. Photon energy in turn corresponds with the color of light, visible light spectrum, the blue light, violet light energy to carry most, orange light, red light energy to carry the least. Because different materials have different band gap, which can emit different colors of light.