
LED light source characteristics

1. Voltage: LED with low power supply voltage between 6-24V, vary according to product, so it is a high-pressure than
(2) Performance: consumption of energy-efficient than incandescent light with 80% reduction
3 Applicability: small, small piece of each LED bulbs
is 3-5mm square, it can be prepared into various shapes of devices, and for the environment variable
4 Stability: 100,000 hours, the light fades to 50% of the initial
5 Response time: the incandescent millisecond response time, outdoor LED display nanosecond response time
6 of environmental pollution: no harmful metal mercury
7 Color: can change the current color, light-emitting diodes by chemical modification methods, adjust the material band structure and band gap, to achieve multi-color light orange red Huanglv Lan. Such as the small current when the red LED, as the current increases, you can turn to orange, yellow, and finally to green
8 Price: LED light is not expensive
9. Drive: LED can be driven with low voltage DC, with the load is small, the advantages of weak interference, the use of low environmental requirements
10 high color: LED of high color, will not cause harm to the human eye

