
LED lighting industry will usher in the development of high tide

China is currently the hottest LED lights, the Ministry of Science Ten thousand ten cities, driven by an amazing passion in advance, many people headlong into the market, appears to be the first lighting up. led lighting market heats up, from the moment the market, not to the future of LED lighting industry, the industry will usher in a period of rapid development.
Abroad, the current promotion of the first two areas is in 2,3, but this LED lights are very careful with foreigners. So even LED lights that make the blind boss is likely to become a "pioneer in the revolution", while the other two markets, but will develop in many industries "leading" force. At present there are 21 pilot cities, is expected to one million, the ministry plans approved 50 cities next year, is expected to 2 million, which is Chinese characteristics! Can be considered to create China speed! But the overall product maturity worrying; may also be lighting the first to be made a bad market, repeating some of the early LED downlight lamp is suspected, whether bubbles have more serious? Although very prosperous, very lively, can be expected after the government money, will eventually go through 2-3 years trained a number of good LED optoelectronic technology companies, this may be the ultimate purpose of government is located.
led lamp cup, should be concerned, lamp cup LED lighting is one of the first to start one of the areas, the program has been mainly the product is not mature enough, it is difficult large-scale application. From the previous casting, aluminum extrusion profiles changed now; but it can really solve the heat and power products have not seen, that is, so far do not have a commercial application product solutions. While the LED itself costs have dropped significantly, but the market has been no major improvement. Recently there are reports that some foreign Toshiba has introduced some light can be solved cup heat and power products and, if so, I think the market should be light cup will then follow T8-led, and soon up. The first LED is a promising area bigger one.
LED T8 tube similar applications, product solutions from the market point of view, there are close to commercial product launch, even that is the first to promote a mature market. Currently, Wal-Mart has started in the world with T8-LED in the replacement of traditional fluorescent tubes can be seen in this sub-field of hope is not far off. Current parking lot to do, shopping malls, advertising and other markets backlight; and the current production costs and prices have been near the point was close to business applications (150). Good product, both in the optical, thermal, and power handling are more mature program. Products are closest to commercialization. Of course, the current market, there are a lot of low-quality products. This is the biggest challenge. With the U.S. Energy Star standards and the introduction of the EU, I believe these problems will be greatly improved, that is, T8-LED commercial promotion also will begin.

